Where do you ship?

We ships everywhere in the United States, Canada, Austrilia, United kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and much of Europe.

How much does shipping cost?

We offer free shipping on all domestic orders above $39! For order under $39, an additional shipping fee ($6) may apply, you can check the exact amount on your cart.

When will I receive my order?
For most location within U.S. mainland, your order will arrive in 7-15 business days.

What is the status of my order?
There will be several email send to you on different states. After your payment is confirm, you will first receive an email of <Order Confirmation> ; a second email will be send once the <product is ready to ship>; then a third email will be send once the <The Product is Shipped>, which includes the tracking number. Lastly, when you order has arrived, you will receive an email of <Products Delivered>

Do you ship to P.O. boxes?
Some of our products is too large to put in the P.O. boxes, but we do support shipping to P.O. boxes for small products like comb and air purifier.

How can I change my shipping address?
If your order is shipping to an incorrect address, please email support@popflying.com. We will contact you in 24 hours.

Which carrier do you use?
We are collaborate with Fedex, USPS and UPS, your order will be shipped by one of the carrier subject to your address.

How do I cancel or change my order?
Please reach out to support@popflying.com as soon as possible, once we received your email, we will update your order and we will contact you in 24 hours. 

What happens if my package gets lost?
All items purchased from www.popflying.com are made pursuant to a shipment contract, meaning that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier.